EndCrypt is a versatile mobile app for string encryption and decryption, packed with numerous useful features. It’s perfect for learning, testing, and applying encryption techniques. Encryption transforms plain text data (plaintext) into random and meaningless text (ciphertext). Decryption reverts ciphertext back to plaintext.Key Features:- Simple & Easy to Use: One-click display calibration.- Uniform Pixel Calibration: Ensures even pixel calibration.- Enhanced Touchscreen Resolution: Improves screen clarity and responsiveness.- Lightweight: Minimal impact on device performance.- Free to Use: Access all features at no cost.- User-Friendly Interface: Seamless and intuitive navigation.- No Root Required: Works on all devices without rooting.Encryption & Decryption Features:- Text Sharing & Copy-Pasting: Easily share and copy-paste encrypted content.- Binary-to-Text Conversions: Supports Base16, Base32, Base58, Base64, Base85, Base91.- Numerical Conversions: Binary, Decimal, Hexadecimal, Octal.- Traditional Encoding: Morse code.- Symmetric Encryption: AES ECB PKCS5PADDING, DES ECB PKCS5PADDING, 3DES ECB PKCS5PADDING.- Classic Ciphers: Atbash, Affine, Beaufort, Baconian, Caesar, ROT13, Rail Fence, Scytale, Vigenere.Explore many more features to enhance your encryption and decryption experience!